Is LASIK Eye Surgery and Refractive Surgery are same

One of the million dollar questions in general is, whether LASIK Surgery and Refractive Surgery are the same. The myth behind this question ends up with an answer. Yes, they both are same.

The Scientific approach clearly states that LASIK is a sub-type of Refractive Surgery. It is a procedure to resolve the refractive index errors such as;

  • Myopia (Nearsightedness)
  • Hyperopia (Farsightedness)
  • Astigmatism

When these implications are corrected, your vision will improve completely.

Refractive Surgery involves correcting the shape of the cornea (re-shaping) with the help of a Laser. This helps in avoiding contact lens or power glasses.

Refractive surgery will be the perfect option for any patient who wants to,

  • Decrease their dependence on glasses or contact lenses.
  • Be free from eye disease.
  • Accept the inherent risks and potential side effects of the procedure.
  • Understand that they could still need glasses or contacts after the procedure to achieve their best vision.
  • Have an appropriate refractive error.

Is LASIK Eye Surgery and Refractive Surgery the same?

Basically, Refractive surgery can be classified into two types. They are,

  • LASIK (Laser-assisted in situ Keratomileusis)
  • PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy)

They both are operated with the help of a laser to improve vision.

Photorefractive Keratectomy is a process of pealing the topmost layer of the cornea (epithelium). Generally, Cornea is composed of five thin and transparent layers. Once, PRK peals the outermost layer, with the help of a laser it corrects the other layers of the cornea. This procedure helps in fixing the irregular curvatures of the eye.

Laser-assisted in situ Keratomileusis is the process of creating a small flap in the cornea with the help of a laser or a thin blade. Once the flap is created, the eye surgeon uses the laser to reshape the curvature of the cornea. The best part in LASIK that is compared with PRK is, the flap will lower back to its original position and cure within a time period. So, there is no risk of losing the outermost layer of the cornea in LASIK surgery.

Thus, it is clear that LASIK surgery is a part of Refractive Surgery. LASIK is the most preferred treatment in Refractive Surgery.

The Procedure of LASIK Eye Surgery:

  • The complete procedure of the surgery will be accomplished in 30 minutes.
  • You will be given an eye drop as anaesthesia.
  • Following this, the doctor will place an instrument to split both the eyelids.
  • Then suction ring will be placed over the cornea before cutting the flap of it.
  • Eye Surgeon uses a small blade or laser to cut the outermost layer of the cornea and opens a flap.
  • With the help of holding the flap, the surgeon can easily access and correct the other layers of the cornea.
  • The surgeon corrects the shape of the cornea with the help of a programmed laser. This laser beam helps in removing the tiny tissues of the cornea. Once the reshaping procedure is completed, the flap is placed back to its own position.
  • This flap heals out without any stitches but it takes time.
  • During the surgery, the patients are instructed to focus on the light beam. This makes the patient’s eyes to be in a fixed position so that, the surgeons can easily handle and give the better treatment.
  • Before the LASIK surgery procedures, the individuals must have undergone various diagnostic tests to verify that, are they fit to undergo the surgery?

Post Procedure of Lasik Surgery:

  • In post-surgery, the patients will be re-examined by the surgeon to check the shape of the cornea after the treatment.
  • The patient might feel little pain and itchy after the procedure. Depending upon the individual, the pain will vanish in a day or a maximum of three days.
  • Vision will recover within a day. Anyhow, the patients are not supposed to expose their eyes to lights, sunbeam, mobile, TV, desktop, etc for a week time.
  • For a period of a week, the patients are supposed to wear a protective glass to avoid contact with UV lights, dust and etc in the environment.
  • The patients ought to follow the given medications prescribed by the ophthalmologists. Also, the patient should visit all the mandatory follow-up appointments for the first six months after post-surgery.

Advantage of LASIK Surgery:

  • 100% of the patients got back their complete vision after LASIK. This means they are no more dependable on a contact lens or power glasses.
  • Usually, the correction in vision is found immediately or within a day.
  • No stitches are required in this procedure.
  • The procedure is completely painless.


  • The complete ideology of this article is to make awareness of LASIK surgery and it is a part of Refractive surgery.
  • Besides this, it is always a curious matter for everyone to know the procedure of LASIK.
  • LASIK is the best option when it comes to Refractive eye surgery.

Book an appointment today to consult with Ophthalmologists in R K Eye Centre, Chennai.

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